Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wickedly Good!

On November 7th, 2007, I sat in my not so confortable seat high above the crowd below me. I anxiously waited for the red curtain to open and for the magic to appear. And as the curtain lifted slowly, the band chimed with its intense music. The audience felt alive at that very instant, or atleast, I did.

The stage was covered in Emerald green decor. The singing and dancing was magnificant, there were joy and sorrow filling the air with every note that was sung. For the most part, I love broadway plays. It is New York City's way to unleash true talent in a formal setting.

To sum it up, if you have ever seen the original Wizard of Oz movie, seeing Wicked will change your mind completely. It is about Elphaba, who is the "Wicked Witch of the West." She is green colored and is treated poorly because of this rare condition and has the obligation of taking care of her not so appreciative ill sister. She meets "Ga-linda" who is your typical prototype of a shallow, ditzy blonde. I have nothing against blondes, since I am one myself, but she portrayed blondes as dumber than a stump. They become good friends, but their wits lead to different, even fatal paths, or so you would think.

The acting and singing is quite possibly the best I have seen in years. The played poured with emotions and laughter. I refuse to give any significant details of this play, all I can say is buy your tickets now!

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