Sunday, November 4, 2007


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Christmas has become an advertisement holiday. The decorations, lights and stores have advertised it since before Halloween lately. It is ridiculous how every other holiday is completely ignored and not even compared to Christmas.

Halloween is pretty big on decor, but Thanksgiving is not even considered a holiday anymore. Everyone is in a bustle, rushing around to buy the latest gifts. Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday and does not require gift giving, besides the delicious foods. Just because their are no material rewards in Thanksgiving, does that mean it's justified to just forget about it all together?

Don't get me wrong, Christmas is my favorite holiday. The season is absolutely joyful, i love everything about it. I just hate how everyone forgot its true meaning. Christmas is a Catholic holiday, celebrating the birth of Christ. It's not about presents or even Santa Clause. It should be a family oriented holiday celebrating love, friendship and happiness.

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