Sunday, September 30, 2007
Love is one of those indescribable feelings. It gives you the butterflies in the pit of your stomach, it may even cause nausea. It makes you smile from ear to ear and then in just a second you're crying over something that happened. In all relationships there's always love moments and then there are hate moments. We cannot live without love; we do not only love the person we are with but we love our family anf friends as well. We love life and that is the most important thing to love, the life you lived, and the life you will live. Life cannot exsist without some kind of love and love cannot exsisit without life <3

cake of life.

Let's bake a cake with emotions. We'll add one cup of happiness mixed with 2 teaspoons of tragic events. You must add three pints of love and mix it all with a few drops of sadness and just a pinch of laughter. The laughter spreads all over the cake so don't forget to just add a pinch! Bake for 18 years and then you can frost it with your family and friends (= Excuse me but I am extremely hungry and I am actually going to bake a cake now.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
change is like anything, it has it's pros's and con's. for the most part i do not like change; it makes me upset when things are different. everyone makes mistakes, we're not perfect human beings. forgiveness is a funny thing; most people say go on with your life do not dwell on past events when they do not forgive. i try to forgive everyone, unfortunately, some do not feel the same. i guess you could say change is for the best. one of my favorite quotes is "there's a reason why your past didn't make it to your present." even if you don't know what that reason is just yet, you will. if everything happens for the best they say, why does it hurt so bad when things change?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
queen of stress.

overcoming stress is difficult, sometimes unbearable. you have the extraordinary stress of family; you have to strive your best in school otherwise you'll get yelled at. along with family, there are your teachers giving assignments like crazy, there's hardly a break away from work. then the troubles of having a part-time job, when it's really all not that part-time because i have to go in five days a week, mostly after school. i teach ccd on saturday mornings at 8 in the morning. and now i am pledging a sorority which i don't know was the best decision on my part, although i have made nice friendships with some of the girls, it's just another thing to worry about. and somehow in between all of this i have to abserve a special ed class for 12 hours of service. i absolutely HATE when people boss me around so who knows what's going to happen with that. by the time i come home at night i want to pass out and go to sleep, but i can't because i have school work and chores to do. there is no escaping from stressful situations, especially ones you choose to put upon yourself. but i've learn to just deal with them and take them for what they are. having a positive attitude really helps me from going crazy. =)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Hello everyone! I am in a really happy/excited mood. This weekend the weather was absolutely perfect; not too hot, not too cold. It was a great start to fall. I went to Mambo Italiano's for my best friend's birthday & it was really cute. I decided I love Brooklyn, the little shops & busy streets, it's almost like a smaller Manhattan. I am really looking forward to October with Halloween & all the leaves changing colors. After that happens then i know Christmas is almost here! My favorite time of year when everyone decorates and the tree is up it's just an amazing feeling. I do feel bad for Thanksgiving though, it's definitely one of the 'ignored holidays'. Well I'm off to do some lovely homework! Talk to you all soon!

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