Monday, December 10, 2007

Farewell 1st Semester!

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This semester has flown by quickly. I must say walking through the corridors on the first day of school was frightening to me. I did not know what to expect from college; I presumed it would be this ridiculously challenging and unenjoyable experience, but I can conclude it was neither.

I was challenged with my writing skills and I believe I learned a lot from my first semester. I wrote at least one paper every night and I know it improved my writing; I guess I can thank my college for pressuring students to write better. Managing my time between school and work while trying to obtain a good grade point average was my most challenging task this semester. I managed to have a good social life and did many fun activities, met great new people and even joined a really nice sorority.

I am happy to say my classes gave me a lot of insight on what my future career would be if I chose it and thanks to my professors, I definately know what my career choice will be. My first semester at college was enjoyable, although I did not love every minute of it, the majority of the time was spectacular. I only hope that the semesters to follow will exceed or measure up to Fall of 2007.

Baby -> teen ->pill?

In USA Today there was an article called Others not likely to follow school’s contraception move. This article was written by Wendy Koch and it is displaying many different opinions about whether or not schools should provide contraceptives to teens, even children.

Portland public school has been providing birth control including the pill, patch and implants. They have also been providing condoms since 2000. The health center is in the school and the parents do have a say in whether or not their child can use it, but what they do not know is what the health center is providing to the school. Surprisingly enough middle schools in both Baltimore and Seattle have been providing birth control since 1990. They say the teen pregnancies have been dropping about 37% since 1990, however, others do not agree with dispensing of these ‘protections’ in schools.

Charmaine Yoest from Family Research Council says it is ‘insane’ to provide birth control to middle schools since the students are so young, some even as young as eleven. There is a big difference between middle schools and high schools. The worse part about providing the pill besides students thinking it is ‘ok’ to have sex at such a young age is that it does not protect from sexually transmitted diseases. I could not agree more with Charmaine.

There will constantly be debates on whether or not providing birth control and condoms to children as young as eleven is right or not, but I must say my opinion is significantly against it. By providing children with birth control at such a young age, I feel it is encouraging them to experiment with the opposite sex, since they have easy access to ‘protection.’ I think providing birth control to any schools is ridiculous because then students will think it is the right choice to be having pre-marital sex. Besides children having sex at such a young age, birth control has many side effects and should not be taken unless doctor prescribed for a specific reason. So not only are schools allowing sex to occur at such a young age, but they are risking dangers to their students health.

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