This semester has flown by quickly. I must say walking through the corridors on the first day of school was frightening to me. I did not know what to expect from college; I presumed it would be this ridiculously challenging and unenjoyable experience, but I can conclude it was neither.
I was challenged with my writing skills and I believe I learned a lot from my first semester. I wrote at least one paper every night and I know it improved my writing; I guess I can thank my college for pressuring students to write better. Managing my time between school and work while trying to obtain a good grade point average was my most challenging task this semester. I managed to have a good social life and did many fun activities, met great new people and even joined a really nice sorority.
I am happy to say my classes gave me a lot of insight on what my future career would be if I chose it and thanks to my professors, I definately know what my career choice will be. My first semester at college was enjoyable, although I did not love every minute of it, the majority of the time was spectacular. I only hope that the semesters to follow will exceed or measure up to Fall of 2007.